Caption: Be on guard at all times It is a police officer.
Message: The message of this poster is that opposition towards communism and its leader are put down brutally.
What is it trying to get people to do or think? : Maybe the artist is trying to tell the people that communist leaders will not tolerate opposition. They will do what ever they think is best for the nation without asking the people’s opinions or conditions. People are told what to do and how to live their life. The artist is trying to comment on communism.
How does it convey its message?: It conveys to message by the caption. The caption says to be on guard all the time because it is a police officer. If there were some small riots going on, they would all be killed.
What is particularly effective about the poster?: The most effective part of the poster is the caption, and how it shows how life wasn’t better after the Tsar’s rule. The effective part is also the sign on the police officer’s car, which represents communism. One interesting observation is the police’s expression; he looks quite harsh and very scary.
What is it trying to get people to do or think? : It is trying to brainwash the people of how communism will improve Russia. It is trying to get people to support the communism government. The communist government in the Soviets promised the people many reforms, which made them gain support from the people.
How does it convey its message? : It conveys the message by using its captions. The caption says how perfect and excellent a communism is and how it would improve the people’s life and make it way better than the previous government.
What is particularly effective about the poster? : The effective part of this poster is the captions and how it represents the artist’s idea. The color red is particularly in use, because the color red represents communism. On the flag is the picture of Marx, Engels, and Lenin; people believed that they were the hero of communism.
Caption- All the power of our industry for the fulfilment of the food program!
Message: The poster represents a planned economy, and how the government tried to hypnotize people into believing in the goods of it.
What is it trying to get people to do or think? : It is trying to make people work harder and enjoy collectivization, instead of going against it. Stalin came up with the idea of a planned economy; he believes that a planned economy will solve the soviets industrial and agriculture problems. This poster is trying to promote the planned economy.
How does it convey its message? : It conveys the message by the caption and the background picture. The caption talks about the power in the industry and the food surplus in the soviets.
What is particularly effective about the poster? : The effective part of this poster is the man’s picture and how he seems very happy and encouraging for people to support collectivization. The caption makes the poster more effective.
Caption-“To live like Lenin, grow up to become a communist and to bring new fame for the country!”
Message: It represents how perfect Lenin is, and how he and his communist party can lead the Soviet to be a world power.
What is it trying to get people to do or think? Maybe it is trying to let people get the false message; so they can be less ruthless about the communist rule. Maybe the government wanted people to be less opposing to Lenin and his rule.
How does it convey its message? It conveys its message by the perfect caption showing positive outcome of the communist and how Lenin is like a father figure and the picture how a teenager wants to be absolutely just like Lenin.
What is particularly effective about the poster? The effective part of this poster is the color, picture, and especially the caption. It proves how the communist party is trying very hard to brainwash people’s idea of opposing them.
Caption-The great power of our army grew from worker's brigades, revolutionary commandos and first red guards. 23rd February 1918
Message: The message that the poster is trying to represents the date that Russia won a battle with Germany for the first time, and it is all because the goodness and the excellence of Lenin.
What is it trying to get people to do or think? It is trying to make people support the Bolsheviks; it was vital for the communist party to gain support from the people or they will be overthrown like the provisional government.
How does it convey its message? It conveys its message by the pictures the artist puts into the poster. It shows how Lenin was a huge part of the battle and how he was the hero of communism.
What is particularly effective about the poster? The most effective part of this picture is the picture and the artist choice of color. The color is red and the color red represents communism. The picture has Lenin and many military equipment which show how great success the event is.
Caption-We, the October's children of our homeland, are faithful to the wise legacy of Lenin (The kid in the middle of the star is baby Lenin.
Message: The message that is conveys from the poster represents how the government is trying to make people think of Lenin was all great and mighty.
What is it trying to get people to do or think? Maybe it was trying to persuade people to believe in the teaching of Lenin, and that he was a perfect leader which chose the perfect path for the Soviets; this can also result to less opposition.
How does it convey its message? It conveys its message by using children. Children are proved to be an innocent soul, so what they say is usually true,
What is particularly effective about the poster? The effective part of the poster is the picture, and how the artist chooses such a character to convey the whole message. It shows how the use of propaganda in Russia was used for even small things.
There are a lot of propaganda posters I have seen in the internet. Many of the posters that I have seen lead to one point, which is how it tries to persuade the people in the country how the government (communist) is the best for the people. It tries to brainwash the people to making them believe that the communist party will resolve the people’s entire problem and it will be way better than the Tsar’s rule or the provisional government’s. It was obvious that the poster also tell how the living and working conditions in Russia was like. The use of propaganda in Russia was very popular; it was used in almost everywhere. It was like a teaching to the people; telling what they should believe. It often contains irony, sarcasm, and untruth.